alvin’s birthday motorino

gift giving is a bit different in the alvin and jona household. we do away with a lot of the traditional elements associated with gifts, like shiny wrappers and ribbons and mushy gift cards, instead, we allow our presents to shine in their natural setting, which meant christmas shoes and holiday graters handed over in their respective store boxes and bags.

we like this no-frills way of gift giving, it’s so much simpler than having to struggle with giant bows.

another thing we tend to not put much emphasis on is the actual event date. christmas is on december 25? well, let me give you your gift on the 5th! this way, you get to enjoy it earlier!

in the five years that alvin and i have known each other, i don’t think we’ve actually given each other a gift on the occasion date itself; we’d always get too excited about our gifts for each other and would wind up eagerly handing them over days before they should officially be handed over.

this year, knowing how alvin has always wanted to listen to his vinyl record collection but couldn’t because he didn’t have a turntable, i got him a motorino for his birthday, which is on september 18. i gave it to him last night, july 31.

no day but today, right? 😉

happy super advanced birthday!

alvin’s very own motorino!

he zoned out for a while.

i think he likes it!

now that all this gift giving business has been taken cared of, we can concentrate on the really important things on alvin’s actual birthday, such as eating cake like there’s no tomorrow. 🙂


you can get your own motorino here:

2 Comments on “alvin’s birthday motorino”

  1. Jing Racelis says:

    lovely photos nuna. i’m sure alvin is super happy for his super advance bday gift. super advance happy bday alvin! XD

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